Erasmus + project “Millennials and Post-Millennials: Challenges and Opportunities for Teachers and Employers” partner meeting was held on 13-15 November, 2018. The project partner meeting and training took place in Vocational Education Competence Centre "Riga State Technical School" (RSTS), Riga, Latvia.

Project coordinator R. Grinfelde from Vocational Education Competence Centre "Riga State Technical School" (RSTS) stated the aim, main tasks of the project, main activities, the responsibilities of project partners and the predicted outcomes. Project partners from Finland, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Latvia introduced with their educational establishment. R. Grinfelde organized intensive group discussions to identify the main challenges in teacher’s job. Lecturer L.Briede described current situation and trends in the labor market in Europe, the causes of youth unemployment, about the differences of generations and the ways how to improve the communication with Millennials and Post-Millennials. Practical work in teams was organized to produce questionnaires for learners and questions for employers in order to explore aspects of better communication with Millennials and Post-Millennials. The results of questionnaires will be collected and included into research. Participants attended employer „Accenture” and RSTS practical learning center. At the end of meeting project coordinator R. Grinfelde reminded about next project activities. 

„Erasmus +” project “Millennials and Post-Millennials: Challenges and Opportunities for Teachers and Employers” partner meeting was held on 19-22 March, 2019. The project partner meeting and training was held in the Careeria Oy, Porvoo, Finland.

All project partners conducted surveys and did research. The aim of research is to determine the level of quality of communication and cooperation between teachers and learners and the ways how to improve the learning environment, methods and dialogue between the involved parties. Learners as well as teachers took active participation in the research. They gather information, share with their opinions about the quality level of communication and dialog between teachers and learners.

The teachers from Latvia, Finland, Bulgaria and Slovenia had discussions about the difficulties with Millennials (Y generation: 1980. – 1994.year) and Post-Millennials (Z generation: 1995. – 2010.year) in the teaching process. They discussed about the specific features of this generation and how to adapt the teaching and learning processes, about possible future education changes and how to teach Z and Alfa generations (2010. – nowadays).

The aim of training of teachers is to develop various methods on age based student particularities on effective use of interactive teaching methods, collaborative learning, meaningful integration of ICT tools into the learning process. The training was divided into two parts: in the theoretical part and in the practical part. Partners from Finland described Finland education system, challenges, obstacles and opportunities in the Porvoo International College in the theoretical part of training. All participants took active participation into group work with aim- to elaborate on new methods of Millennials and Post-Millennials student particularities in the practical part of training. Host partner Careeria Oy showed modern solutions with new educational technology implementations.


Presentations from training activities
look here "Expert lecture on students’ motivation"

look here "Teaching Millennials. What to do?"
look here "ICT E-learning" 
look here "VET in CAREERIA".

Transnational project meeting was held on 7-8 November, 2019 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Project partners discussed the topical issues of the project, its progress and results achieved.

Zornitsa Staneva (Foundation for development of the cultural and business potential of civil society ( FDCBPCS)) presented the main results from the first surveys for students and teachers. 464 students from secondary schools from the partner countries had filled out the questionnaires and 141 teachers from Bulgaria, Finland, Latvia and Slovenia had filled out the questionnaires. After discussion concerning the second surveys project team created the second survey questionnaires for students and teachers. These results of questionnaires will be collected and included into research. All partners had chosen methods from other countries to test according with the project plan. Liena Adamsone (RSTS) informed about the budget of project and explained important details in the reports of project partners. Matjaz Zgonik (Šolski center Nova Gorica) presented dissemination of the results of project. Rebeka Grinfelde (RSTS) told about next project activities and schedule. At the end of meeting there were discussions on the final project meeting in Slovenia and the course of multiplier events in Finland, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Latvia.

tn foto Bulgarija

The second transnational project meeting was held on 10-11 February, 2020 in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Project partners discussed the topical issues of the project, its progress and results achieved. All project partners reported about the results from the second surveys for students and teachers. There were discussion concerning with the impact of the project at the local, regional, European levels, dissemination of the project results inside and outside our partnership and sustainability. L. Adamsone (RSTS) informed about financial reports and budget. At the end of meeting there were discussions on the program of multiplier events in Finland, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Latvia. 

Erasmus + project “Millennials and Post-Millennials: Challenges and Opportunities for Teachers and Employers” multiplier event “Final conference” was held on 12 March, 2020. The conference took place in VECC "Riga State Technical School", Riga, Latvia. The conference was opened by the Principal D. Vanaga of VECC "Riga State Technical School". Project manager L. Adamsone showed the web page of the project and told about other created intellectual results in the scope of the project. Audience was informed about goal, main activities and results of the project. Lecturer, psychologist Z. Krike told about the differences of new generations and the ways how to improve the communication with Millennials and Post-Millennials. There were interesting discussions concerning different situation with these new generations. The event was enriched by a small theatrical scene featuring a job interview between employer (that represent X generation) and job seeker (that represent Post Millennium generation). Participants of conference attended two different workshops during the conference. Trained teachers who created new methods showed the most interesting ten methods to other teachers and staff.The conference was concluded with a short summary. Project manager L. Adamsone gave certificates of attendance. At the end of the conference all participants were filmed in the video greeting for the project partners in Finland, Bulgaria and Slovenia.

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Multiplier event in Riga video